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Sunday Service
Please join us in person!

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am​


5009 - 51 Avenue, Stony Plain, AB

Or on YouTube             or Facebook
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Worship Style

Our services contain a blend of new and old songs of worship, all sung to an audience of "One". 


Sunday School

Our Sunday School is on hold till further notice. Children will remain in the sanctuary during the service. Activity packages are available for them at the Kids Zone in the lobby. 



Our nursery for children under 2 years is open for parents to use. There is no staff for the nursery at this time. 


10:30am on the last Sunday of every month. Communion is an important part of any believer's relationship with Jesus Christ. Please join our service on the last Sunday of the month to take part. For sanitary reasons, prepackaged communion elements will be distributed.


Phone - 780-968-5401

5009 - 51 Avenue
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1C2


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